HSG: HSG raises its charter capital
On April 12, 2017, Hoa Sen Group announces a increase in charter capital as follows:
- Charter capital before increase: 1,965,398,290,000 dongs
- Charter capital increased: 34,601,710,000 dongs
- Charter capital after increase: 2,000,000,000,000 dongs
> KSH: Result of issuance of shares under ESOP (14/04/2017)
> LBM: LBM completes purchase of the additional capital (17/04/2017)
> DXG: BODs Resolution on issuance of shares to pay dividends (17/04/2017)
> TRA: Board approves to issue more than 6.9 million shares (17/04/2017)
> VMD: Report on the use of capital (19/04/2017)
> HAP: BODs Resolution on capital contribution in related company (19/04/2017)
> AAA: BODs Resolution on issuance of shares under ESOP (20/04/2017)
> PDR: Board approved stock issuance plan (20/04/2017)
> PDR: Board approved stock issuance documents (20/04/2017)
> LDG: Board approved list of stock issuance under ESOP (20/04/2017)