HGM: Change in Company's business certificate
Ha Giang Mineral and Mechanics joint stock company announces the change in the business certificate of the Company as follows:
- Old Charter Capital: VND 63 billion
- New Charter Capital: VND 126 billion
> HBC: Hoa Binh Corp wins the construction contract for SSG Tower (17/09/2013)
> C21: Century 21 Co. to build a titanium slag plant (17/09/2013)
> PNJ: Board Resolution Sep 12 (17/09/2013)
> THV: Explanation for change in operation result (17/09/2013)
> THV: Explanation for audit exception (17/09/2013)
> TKU: Explanation for difference in report of the holding company in quarter II/2013 (17/09/2013)
> PVA: Explanation for business performance fluctuations in quarter II/2013 (17/09/2013)
> TBX: Explanation for opinions of Auditing Company on FS of period from 01/01/2013 to 30/6/2013 (17/09/2013)
> PJT: PJT approved to list additional shares (17/09/2013)
> ASIAGF: NAV for Week 12 Sep 2013 (17/09/2013)