Tuesday, 17/09/2013 15:41

PNJ: Board Resolution Sep 12

Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock Company announced the resolution of the Board of Directors dated September 12, 2013 as follows:

Approved to issuing new shares in the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) as follows:

-          Issue volume expected: 3,599,856 shares

-          Issue price: VND10,000/share

-          Issue time: from September to December 31, 2013

-          Distribution method:

+          To distribute 1,445,000 shares or 40% of outstanding shares to Management Board and Chief Accountant

+          To distribute 2,154,856 shares or 60% of outstanding shares to other staff.

-          Plan to deal with fractional shares

-          The remaining shares which are refused to buy by the employees in the list will be authorized by the Board of Directors to distribute to union at a price not less than the price offered to employees.

-          Transfer principle: shares are restricted from transfer within 03 years from the finish date of the ESOP.


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