THV: Explanation for change in operation result
hai Hoa Viet Nam Group Joint Stock Company gratefull to inform Công văn giải trình chênh lệch số liệu BCTC 2012 trước và sau kiểm toán as:
> THV: Explanation for audit exception (17/09/2013)
> TKU: Explanation for difference in report of the holding company in quarter II/2013 (17/09/2013)
> PVA: Explanation for business performance fluctuations in quarter II/2013 (17/09/2013)
> TBX: Explanation for opinions of Auditing Company on FS of period from 01/01/2013 to 30/6/2013 (17/09/2013)
> PJT: PJT approved to list additional shares (17/09/2013)
> ASIAGF: NAV for Week 12 Sep 2013 (17/09/2013)
> VNR: Board Resolution (17/09/2013)
> CTM: Explanation for audit exception in the FS (17/09/2013)
> BXH: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (17/09/2013)
> API: Board Resolution (17/09/2013)