TKU: Explanation for difference in report of the holding company in quarter II/2013
On 19/08/2013, Tung Kuang Industrial JSC explains difference of figures in financial statement as follows: In quarter II/2013, profit after tax of holding company has profit of VND 19,028,241,217 (increase compared to the same period in the previous year when profit after tax of the holding company got loss of VND 3,774,069,810). The main reason is that Hai Duong branch operates profitably and revenue increases.
> PVA: Explanation for business performance fluctuations in quarter II/2013 (17/09/2013)
> TBX: Explanation for opinions of Auditing Company on FS of period from 01/01/2013 to 30/6/2013 (17/09/2013)
> PJT: PJT approved to list additional shares (17/09/2013)
> ASIAGF: NAV for Week 12 Sep 2013 (17/09/2013)
> VNR: Board Resolution (17/09/2013)
> CTM: Explanation for audit exception in the FS (17/09/2013)
> BXH: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (17/09/2013)
> API: Board Resolution (17/09/2013)
> AME: Result of the tender offer (17/09/2013)
> SCD: Change of Chief Accountant (16/09/2013)