PVA: Explanation for business performance fluctuations in quarter II/2013
> TBX: Explanation for opinions of Auditing Company on FS of period from 01/01/2013 to 30/6/2013 (17/09/2013)
> PJT: PJT approved to list additional shares (17/09/2013)
> ASIAGF: NAV for Week 12 Sep 2013 (17/09/2013)
> VNR: Board Resolution (17/09/2013)
> CTM: Explanation for audit exception in the FS (17/09/2013)
> BXH: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (17/09/2013)
> API: Board Resolution (17/09/2013)
> AME: Result of the tender offer (17/09/2013)
> SCD: Change of Chief Accountant (16/09/2013)
> KHA: KHA closes a subsidiary (16/09/2013)