D2D: Result of public offering
Industrial Urban Development Joint Stock Company No.2 disclosed the result of public offering as follows:
> NVL: NVL raises the owning ratio of Phu Dinh Port (28/03/2017)
> KSH: KSH changes the list of strategic investors (28/03/2017)
> TPC: Board Resolution No.03 _ March 24, 2017 (28/03/2017)
> SKG: Board resolution on Superdong Con Dao II (28/03/2017)
> NSC: BODs Resolution No.19 dated March 27, 2017 (29/03/2017)
> HAS: BODs Resolution No.03 dated March 27, 2017 (29/03/2017)
> FTM: BODs Resolution No.55,56&57 dated March 27, 2017 (29/03/2017)
> SHI: BODs Resolution on divestment in related company (29/03/2017)
> GAS: Notification Insider Transaction (29/03/2017)
> PXS: Notification Insider Transaction (29/03/2017)