CCL: Report on Results of trading of shares by a related person Report on Results of trading of shares by a related person of Cuu Long Petro Urban Development and Investment Corporation as follows:
1) Name of individual: Mr. Nguyen Hoang Nha
2) Name of key personnel/person authorized to disclose information of the organization listed/ registered for trading, fund management company/public investment fund (in a case where the person conducting trading is a related person): Mr. Nguyen Trieu Dong
- Current position in the organization listed/ registered for trading, fund management company/ public investment fund: Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Relationship of individual/organization conducting trading with key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: brother
- Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates currently owned by key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: 3,200,000 shares (12.8%)
3) Trading securities code: CCL
4) Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates owned before conducting trading: 1,400,000 shares (5.6%)
5) Quantity of shares/fund certificates registered for sale: 1,400,000 shares
6) Quantity of shares already traded (sale): 1,400,000 shares
7) Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates owned after conducting trading: 0 share (0.0%)
8) Method of trading: put through
9) Period for conducting trading: from January 23, 2015 to January 29, 2015 HOSE