SJD: Notice of Change in the Number of Outstanding Voting Shares
Can Don Hydro Power Joint Stock Company, reported change in the number of outstanding voting shares, based on the adjusted certificate granted for the 5th time by the Vietnam Securities Depository on January 28, 2015:
- Stock code: SJD
- Number of outstanding voting shares before change: 40,999,150 shares
- Number of shares additionally issued: 5,000,000 shares
- Number of outstanding voting shares after change: 45,999,150 shares
> SSI: BBC no longer SSI’s associated company (03/02/2015)
> SEC: Board Resolution No.08 _ 30 Jan 2015 (03/02/2015)
> IMP: Board Resolution No.04 _ 28 Jan 2015 (03/02/2015)
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> E1VFVN30: NAV 1 Feb 2015 (03/02/2015)
> E1VFVN30: NAV 30 Jan 2015 (03/02/2015)
> E1VFVN30: Notice of Tracking Error on 30 Jan 2015 (03/02/2015)