TCD: Contributing additional capital The Board resolution dated March 16, 2023, the BOD of Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company (TRACODI) approved the following issues:
1) Approved the additional capital contribution in Vietnam Taxi Co.,Ltd (Vinataxi) by receiving the transfer of capital of Helios Service and Investment Joint Stock Company with the total value of VND20,231,961,000. Accordingly, the total contribution capital of TCD in Vinataxi will be VND57,474,788,455, equivalent to 51% charter capital.
2) Approved the persons in charge of the contribution capital in Vinataxi:
- Mr. Le Van Son for 25.25% charter capital at Vinataxi
- Mr. Nguyen Xuan Bac for 25.5 % charter capital at Vinataxi.
3) Approved the capital transfer agreement with Helios Service and Investment Joint Stock Company with the total value of VND20,231,961,000. HOSE