KSS: SSC approves the documents of share issue
On May 07, 2021, the State Securities Commission (SSC) received enough documents of the stock issue to the existing shareholders and the stock dividend payment by KS Securities Joint Stock Company. The State Securities Commission asked the Company to issue shares as planned.
> NVT: Receiving the transfer of contributed capital (21/05/2021)
> FTS: Board resolution on dividend payment and share issue (21/05/2021)
> TVSI: Stock issuance for dividend payment (20/05/2021)
> FPTS: Announcement of issuing shares to increase capital (20/05/2021)
> FPTS: Board resolution on dividend payment and share issue (20/05/2021)
> CMX: Planning to issue shares to existing shareholders (20/05/2021)
> TVSI: SSC approves the documents of share issue (19/05/2021)
> NHH: Contributing capital to buy shares of An Cuong Building Materials (19/05/2021)
> KDH: BOD approves to issue shares (19/05/2021)
> DGC: Result of share issue for dividend payment (18/05/2021)