VNDS: Notice of change of head of branch
On November 21, 2016, VNdirect Securities Corporation announces the change of head of branch as follows:
Head of branch: Nguyen Hong Diep
> MBB: Notice of change of transaction office address (24/11/2016)
> VCSC: Resolution on the General Meeting of Shareholders (24/11/2016)
> RDP: Announcement of changes in the 9th business license (24/11/2016)
> SSI: Resolution on setting up Nguyen Van Cu transaction office (24/11/2016)
> BVSC: Board approved to invest in BVPF (25/11/2016)
> SAM: Board approved to cooperate to invest in Dong Nai Plastic (25/11/2016)
> SBT: SBT asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (28/11/2016)
> EMC: The record date for 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (28/11/2016)
> BHS: BHS asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (28/11/2016)
> SCR: SCR allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (28/11/2016)