STG: Report on the result of corporate bond issuance
South Logistics Joint Stock Company reported the result of corporate bond issuance as follows:
> NLG: Resolution on bond issuance (07/01/2016)
> REE: Resolution on bond conversion (06/01/2016)
> NLG: Resolution on bond issuance (14/01/2016)
> CII: The bond conversion of GS and HFIC (18/01/2016)
> TMS: Resolution No.38 on bond issuance & AGM (22/01/2016)
> TDC: Periodically report on bond interest payment (26/01/2016)
> CII: Bond conversion of GS and HFIC (01/02/2016)
> Vietinbanksc.: BoD approves to issue bonds (01/02/2016)
> TMS: Result of bond conversion (19/02/2016)
> CII: Result of bond conversion for GS (03/02/2016)