MHBS: Information on the voluntary membership termination
MHB Securities Corporation (MHBS) has posted the information about the voluntary membership termination on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange on website:
> IMP: Board Resolution (09/12/2015)
> C32: Board Resolution (09/12/2015)
> DIG: Plan for selling stake in Fico Binh Duong (09/12/2015)
> PTK: PTK to be suspended from trading from Dec 15 (09/12/2015)
> RDP: Resolution on organizing the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting (EGM) (10/12/2015)
> DRL: Notification insider trade (NTN) (10/12/2015)
> DRL: Notification insider trade (10/12/2015)
> KTB: KTB to be suspended from trading from Dec 15 (10/12/2015)
> DAG: Notice of written resolution (10/12/2015)
> BCI: Board Resolution (11/12/2015)