IMP: Board Resolution
Imexpharm Corporation announced the announced Board Resolutiondated December 07, 2015:
The BOD approved to set up International Relations Committee.
The BOD approved to set up Human Resource Development Department and to merge with Cultural Committee.
The BOD approved to merge Communication Board to Strategic Management Department.
The BOD approved to merge HR and General Department to Administrative Personnel Department.
> C32: Board Resolution (09/12/2015)
> DIG: Plan for selling stake in Fico Binh Duong (09/12/2015)
> PTK: PTK to be suspended from trading from Dec 15 (09/12/2015)
> RDP: Resolution on organizing the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting (EGM) (10/12/2015)
> DRL: Notification insider trade (NTN) (10/12/2015)
> DRL: Notification insider trade (10/12/2015)
> KTB: KTB to be suspended from trading from Dec 15 (10/12/2015)
> DAG: Notice of written resolution (10/12/2015)
> BCI: Board Resolution (11/12/2015)
> HOSE: Adjust the free-float of GDT (11/12/2015)