HTI: Notice of trading of related company (IDICO) 1) Name of individual/organization conducting trading: Vietnam Urban and Industrial Zone Development Investment Corporation (IDICO)
- Current position (if available) in the organization listed/registered for trading, fund management company/public investment fund: Related person
2) Trading securities code: HTI
3) Number of trading account having shares mentioned in section 3:
4) Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates owned before conducting trading: 9,355,950 shares (37.5% charter capital)
5) Quantity of shares/fund certificates registered for purchase: 3,368,142 shares
6) Proposed quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates owned after conducting trading: 12,724,092 shares (51% charter capital)
7) Purpose(s) of conducting trading: to restructure the portfolio
8) Method of trading: negotiate with two subsidiaries: IDICO-URBI and IDICO - CONAC.
9) Proposed period for conducting trading: from March 30, 2016 to April 28, 2016 HOSE