Wednesday, 01/07/2015 16:19

TDH: The BOD\u0027s resolution of capital withdrawal

Thu Duc Housing Development Corporation discloses the BOD’s resolution as follows:

Article 1: Approving capital withdrawal by selling shares of Phuoc Long Investment Corp. (*):

-         Phuoc Long’s capital                                                           : 64,800,000,000 dongs

-         Outstanding shares                                                 : 6,480,000 shares

-         Shares owned by Thuduc House                                          : 4,014,009 shares

-         Ownership percentage                                                         : 61.94%

-         Offering volume                                                                  : 2,000,000 shares

-         Shares owned by Thuduc House      after transference          : 2,014,009 shares

-         Ownership percentage after transference                              : 31.08%

Article 2: Assigning the Chairman of the BOD to implement the transference.

Article 3: The resolution is valid as from 29 Jun. 2015.



(*) Temporary translation


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