TDH: The BOD\u0027s resolution of capital withdrawal
Thu Duc Housing Development Corporation discloses the BOD’s resolution as follows:
Article 1: Approving capital withdrawal by selling 100% capital of Phong Duc Construction Ltd. Co. (*):
- Total paid-in capital of Thuduc House : 4,775,000,000 dongs (47.75%)
- Offering price : minimum 3.0
Article 2: Assigning the Chairman of the BOD to implement the transference.
Article 3: The resolution is valid as from 29 Jun. 2015.
(*) Temporary translation
> VNG: The BOD\u0027s resolution of capital transference (01/07/2015)
> TSC: The BOD\u0027s resolution of capital contribution (01/07/2015)
> FPT increases charter capital by $22.7m (01/07/2015)
> DNC: Result of the share issuance for increasing share capital (30/06/2015)
> CHP: The report on the share issuance for dividend payment (30/06/2015)
> CVT: The report on the share issuance for dividend payment (30/06/2015)
> KHB: Board Resolution on the bonus share issuance according to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (30/06/2015)
> FPT: Increasing charter capital (30/06/2015)
> D2D: D2D withdraws capital in a subsidiary (29/06/2015)
> RDP: Notice of stock issuance for dividend payment (29/06/2015)