PGI: Resolution on the payment dividend
PJICO Insurance Corporation the resolution of the Board of Directors dated November 20, 2014 as follows:
Article 1: The payment for the 2014 cash dividend- Dividend pay-out ratio: 5% Article 2: Assigned CEO and Chairman of the BOD have responsibilities for executing this resolution.
Article 1: The payment for the 2014 cash dividend
- Dividend pay-out ratio: 5%
Article 2: Assigned CEO and Chairman of the BOD have responsibilities for executing this resolution.
> VSC: The record date for the dividend payment for 2014 (27/11/2014)
> BHS: The record date for the dividend payment for 2014 (27/11/2014)
> DVC: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash 1st round year 2014 (25/11/2014)
> BHS: Resolution on the dividend payment for 2014 (25/11/2014)
> DRL: Resolution on the dividend payment for 2014 (25/11/2014)
> NTL: Board Resolution on the dividend payment (25/11/2014)
> BID10306: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (25/11/2014)
> BID10406: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (25/11/2014)
> THG: Notice of the first 2014 dividend payment (25/11/2014)
> TCM: Resolution on Interim Dividend 2014 (24/11/2014)