Report on Results of trading of shares by a related person of An Pha Petroleum Group Joint Stock Company as follows:
Name of individual: Ms. Tran Thi Hanh
Name of key personnel of the organization
listed (in a case where the person conducting trading is a related person): Mr. Tran Minh Loan
Current position in the organization listed: Chairman of the Board of Directors
Relationship of individual with key
personnel: sister
Quantity and ratio of shares/fund
certificates currently owned by key personnel: 0
Trading securities code: ASP
Quantity and ratio of shares owned before
conducting trading: 48,586 shares
Quantity of shares registered for sale: 48,586
Quantity of shares already traded (sale):
Quantity and ratio of shares owned after
conducting trading: 06 shares
Purpose(s) of conducting trading: to restructure
investment portfolios
Period for conducting trading: from September 17,
2014 to September 26, 2014