HGM: General Mandate AGMS 2013
(31/03/2013) Ha
Giang Mineral and Mechanics joint stock company announced General Mandate AGMS
2013 as follows:
Profit distribution and dividend payment 2012
Dividend payment
by cash 2012
Fund for production
investment and development
56.5 billion vnd
Bonus and welfare
8 billion vnd
Bonus for
outperforming of BoDs
2.2 billion vnd
Support for local
social activities
1.5 billion vnd
Dividend payment 2013: minimum 50%/charter capital of VND63
billion, (VND5,000/share)
Remuneration for BoDs, SB: 972 million
Resignation of Mr. Nguyen Van Thang, Mr. To Huy Vu – members
of the Board, appointment of Mr. Nguyen Trung Hieu, Mr. Ta Hong Thang as
members of the Board, term 2011-2015
Continue increasing capital by issuing bonus shares to
outstanding shareholders at the ratio 1:1
Selection of auditing company for FS 2013 among PwC;
Deloitte; Ernst & Young; KPMG HNX