HST: Organization of AGMS 2013
(12/03/2013) Hung Yen Book Publishing and Educational Equipment JSC announced the organization of AGMS 2013 as follows:
1. Record date: 12/3/2013
2. Meeting time: estimated 8.30, 05/4/2013
> ITQ: Extraordinary General Mandate-first time of 2013 (01/11/2013)
> ADC: Public offering report (01/11/2013)
> TCT: Board Resolution (04/11/2013)
> LCD: Change in managment board (04/11/2013)
> NBC: Change in number of outstanding shares with voting right (04/11/2013)
> BKC: Disclaimer for FS of first 06 months of 2013 (04/11/2013)
> CKV: Board resolution (04/11/2013)
> VC1: Change in the BOD (05/11/2013)
> SD1: Board resolution (05/11/2013)
> WCS: Change in the BOD (05/11/2013)