CKV: Board resolution
On 22/10/2013, COKYVINA JSC announced the board resolution as follows:1. Assign Management Board to complete Gear Motor equipment assembly factory of Siemen in 4th quarter 2014.2. Assign Management Board to continue working with State Management Agencies to complete documents related to land use rights, housing and other assets ownership affixed to land at Company’s office and branches.3. Assign Management Board to research and direct market development in Central Costal Region (research the development model of Da Nang branch)4. Assign Management Board to check the contents of Company’s rules and regulations which are consistent with the operation situation of the Company, and then submit General Meeting of Shareholders for approval.5. This resolution is kept at the Company as other important documents.
> VC1: Change in the BOD (05/11/2013)
> SD1: Board resolution (05/11/2013)
> WCS: Change in the BOD (05/11/2013)
> KLF: Notice of record date for a ballot (05/11/2013)
> HBS: Notice of record date for a ballot (05/11/2013)
> OCH: Change in number of outstanding shares with voting right (05/11/2013)
> NBC: Official Admission of additional listed shares (06/11/2013)
> PGT: The explanation for the limitation of auditing scope (06/11/2013)
> VDL: Board Resolution (06/11/2013)
> PSC: Board resolution (06/11/2013)