GBVS: Explanation for Financial Statement in Q3.2012
GOLDEN BRIDGE VIET NAM SECURITIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY (GBVS) explained in business result Quarter 3/2012 as follows:
- Profit after tax in Quarter 3/2012 decreased 91.8% compared to in Quarter 3/2011 mainly because: + Common difficulties in the stock market have affected the Company’s activities. Revenue from capital contribution securities investment decreased 25% and other revenue decreased 49%. Total revenue in Quarter 3/2012 decreased 28% compared to the same period of last year. + Brokerage expenses, rent office expenses did not decrease strongly.
- Profit after tax in Quarter 3/2012 decreased 91.8% compared to in Quarter 3/2011 mainly because:
+ Common difficulties in the stock market have affected the Company’s activities. Revenue from capital contribution securities investment decreased 25% and other revenue decreased 49%. Total revenue in Quarter 3/2012 decreased 28% compared to the same period of last year.
+ Brokerage expenses, rent office expenses did not decrease strongly.
> AGM: Explanation for business result in Quarter 3/2012 (31/10/2012)
> DNC: Explanation for audit exception in semi-annual financial statement (31/10/2012)
> PPG: Explanation for audit exception in semi-annual financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> PVR: Explanation for Audit Exception in Semi-Annual Financial Statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> HBE: Explanation for audit exception in semi-annual financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> L35: Explanation for audit exception in semi-annual financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> PSG: Explanation for audit exception in semi-annual financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> S96: S96: Explanation for Audit Exception in financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> SDA: Explanation for exception in audited semi-annual financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> NTW: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 (31/10/2012)