

Thursday, 07/06/2012 17:52

FBA: Results of General Meeting of Shareholders 2012

FBA International Group Corporation has disclosed the results of its General Meeting of Shareholders. The following resolutions were approved:


  1. Operating result 2011 and plan in 2012:

·         2011

- Revenue: VND 75,265,130,738

- Profit before tax: VND 5,232,014,369

- Payable to the state: VND 1,265,775,756

- Profit after tax: VND 4,121,275,762

- Averages income: VND 6,520,000

·         2012

- Revenue: VND 140,000,000,000

- Profit before tax: VND 15,000,000,000

- Profit after tax: VND 11,250,000,000

- Averages income: VND 7,500,000

- Dividend payment: 15%

  1. Report from the BOD 2011
  2. Report from Supervisory board 2011
  3. Audited financial statement 2011
  4. Profit distribution 2011:

- Profit before tax: VND 5,232,014,369

- Income tax: VND 1,110,738,607

- Profit after tax: VND 4,121,275,762

- Reward and welfare fund: VND 300,000,000

- Development and investment fund: VND 406,375,762

- Dividend payment: VND 3,414,900,000

  1. Plan to listing on HNX
  2. Seasoned issue plan in 2012

- Stock type: Common stock

- Total volume of shares to be offered: 10,000,000 shares

  1. Payment for the BOD and Supervisory board

·         2011: VND 0

·         2012:

- Chair of the board: VND 4,160,000/ month

- Director: VND1,920,000/ month

- Chief of Supervisory board: VND 1,600,000/ month

- Member of Supervisory board: VND 1,250,000/ month

  1. Select an auditor for financial year 2012
  2. Mr. Le Anh Tuan has been appointed Director with effect since 04/6/2012
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