SMC: The record date for dividend payment, bonus issuance & getting shareholders’ ballots
SMC Investment - Trading Joint Stock Company (SMC) announced the record date for dividend payment, bonus issue and shareholders’ ballots as follows:
* Ex-right date : June 11, 2009
* Record date : June 15, 2009
* Purpose: To pay the first tranche of the company’s 2009 dividend, issue bonus shares to the existing shareholders and getting shareholders’ opinions in writing.
* Dividend payment:
- Pay-out ratio (Tranche 1/2009): 8% (VND800/ share)
- Payment date: June 29, 2009
* Bonus issuance:
- Exercise ratio: 3:1
The one who owns 3 shares at the record date will receive 1 new share. The bonus volume will be rounded down. The fraction parts will be paid in cash.
For example: At the record date, shareholder Nguyen Van A currently owns 200 shares, the calculation as follows:
- The number of shares distributed in theory: 200:3 = 66.6666 shares
- The number of shares in practice: 66 shares
- The number of shares bought back by the company: 0.6 shares x 10,000vnd = 6,000vnd
- Expected issuing volume: 3,663,353 shares
- Expected trading date: July 27, 2009
Place of payment:
+ Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: at the securities firms where the shares have been deposited.
+ Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: at SMC Investment - Trading Joint Stock Company (124 Ung Van Khiem St., Ward 25, Binh Thanh Dist., Hochiminh City)
* Getting shareholders’ opinions on listing the bonus shares:
- Time for the ballot: From June 25, 2009 to July 10, 2009
Vietnam Securities Depository _ HCMC Branch will temporarily suspend the depository activities for SMC on June 12, 15 & 16, 2009.