VIP: Resolution of BOD
Vietnam Petroleum Transport Joint Stock Company (VIPCO) has informed of resolution of BOD as follows:
* Purchase ownership rate of Hai Phong Construction Trade Company (CTC) in the VIPCO Trade Co., Ltd. with value of VND17.5 billion in order to raise holding rate from 70% to 100% of chartered capital.
Finance source: Development investment fund
* Transforming the VIPCO Trade Co., Ltd. from two-member limited company into one-member limited company.
* Authorize chairman of BOD to implement purchase of the capital contribution
> PNC: Open a new Cineplex in HCMC (24/12/2008)
> HPG: Exceed plan of sales and profit 2008 (24/12/2008)
> KHP: Delay of a ballot for raising chartered capital (24/12/2008)
> RIC: Record date for a ballot (24/12/2008)
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> FPT: Additional Listing (24/12/2008)
> NTL: Result of buying back stock (24/12/2008)
> HASTC Notice: First trading day of additional ACB (23/12/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Official Admission of additional listing of ACB (23/12/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Admission in principle of additional listing of ACB (23/12/2008)