ACB.7M.SSI.C.EU.Cash-13: Notice of issue of covered warrant
Notice of issue of covered warrant of ACB.7M.SSI.C.EU.Cash-13 as follows:
> TCB: Result of the ESOP (07/09/2022)
> RAL: Report on the progress of using capital from the offering (07/09/2022)
> TCB: List of internal persons and related persons purchasing ESOP shares (07/09/2022)
> MSB: MSB allowed to increase charter capital (07/09/2022)
> KMR: Borrowing capital from Agribank (07/09/2022)
> POW: Contributing capital to establish LNG Quang Ninh (07/09/2022)
> TCD: Receiving the transfer capital (07/09/2022)
> SHI: Report on the use of capital of bonds (06/09/2022)
> CTG: Plan for bond issuance and using capital (06/09/2022)