C47: BOD resolution of personnel change (Le Dong Lam)
BOD of Construction Joint Stock Company 47announces a personnel change as follows:
- Appointing Mr. Le Dong Lam to a member of the BOD, term 2020-2025.
- Effective date: July 05, 2022
> HVH: BOD resolution of personnel change & auditing firm (18/07/2022)
> C47: BOD resolution of personnel change (Ta Nam Binh) (18/07/2022)
> HASECO: Change of branch representative (15/07/2022)
> VICS: Change in personnel (15/07/2022)
> HAR: Change in personnel (15/07/2022)
> PJT: Change in personnel (15/07/2022)
> TGG: Change in personnel (15/07/2022)
> PET: Change in personnel (15/07/2022)
> CDC: Change in personnel (15/07/2022)