TCD: Report on result of transaction of related institution (Bamboo Capital)
Report on result of transaction of related institution (Bamboo Capital) of Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company as follows:
> PGC: Report on result of transaction of related institution (MB CAPITAL) (29/04/2022)
> SGT: Decision on borrowing capital of Trang Cat Urban (29/04/2022)
> REE: Stock issuance to pay dividend (29/04/2022)
> HSL: Approved the plan for 2020 stock issuance to pay dividend (29/04/2022)
> BAF: Stock issuance to pay dividend and raise capital from the owner's equity (29/04/2022)
> NVL: Result of stock issuance under ESOP (28/04/2022)
> FPT: Notice of stock issuance under ESOP (28/04/2022)
> PTB: Approved the stock issuance to pay dividend for 2021 (28/04/2022)
> THG: Approved the stock issuance to pay dividend for 2021 (28/04/2022)