TLD: Approved the stock issuance to pay dividend for 2020 The Board resolution dated October 05, 2021, the BOD of Thang Long Urban Development and Construction Investment Joint Stock Company approved the following contents:
1) Approving the stock issuance to pay dividends for 2020:
- Stock name: Thang Long Urban Development and Construction Investment Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common share
- Stock type: TLD
- Par value: 10,000 dongs
- Number of shares issued: 39,956,372 shares
- Number of outstanding shares: 39,956,372 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 0 share
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 2,796,946 shares
- Total value of issuance (at par value): 27,969,460,000 dongs
- Expected stock volume after the issuance: 42,753,318 shares
- Total value after the issuance: VND427,533,180,000
- Exercise ratio: 7% (100:07) (Those who own 100 shares will receive 07 new shares)
- Plan to deal with fractional shares: The distributed shares will be rounded down to units, the fractional shares (if any) will be cancelled.
- For example: at the record date to pay stock dividend, shareholder A owns 4,569 shares. With 7% performing ratio, the shareholder A will receive: 4,569 *7/100 = 319.8 shares. According to rounding policy, the shareholder A will receive 319 new shares and fractional shares of 0.8 will be cancelled.
- Time of implementation: expected in Quarter IV/2021 after being approved by the State Securities Commisison of Vietnam (SSC).
Approving the dossier of registration for the stock issuance to pay dividend for 2020. HOSE