HID: HID chooses AVA as 2021 auditing firm
Halcom VietNam Joint Stock Company announced to choose Vietnam Auditing and Accounting ConsultancyCo., Ltd (AVA) to audit its 2021 financial year.
> HAX: The record date for the EGM (27/09/2021)
> TCBS: Notice of EGM (27/09/2021)
> TVB: Notice of EGM (27/09/2021)
> Vietnam Airlines (HVN) raises charter capital to nearly $1 billion (25/09/2021)
> HPG: Establishment of a subsidiary (24/09/2021)
> LIX: Reminder of information disclosure (24/09/2021)
> FCM: Administrative sanctions on taxes and invoices (24/09/2021)
> HAH: BOD resolution dated September 22, 2021 (24/09/2021)
> JVC: Approved the policy to establish a subsidiary (24/09/2021)