TEG: Adjustment of change of purpose of using capital from the offering in 2019
The Board resolution dated April 20, 2021, the BOD of Truong Thanh Energy and Real Estate Joint Stock Company approved the adjustment to the purpose of using capital from the stock offering in 2019 as follows:
- Before change: total proceeds from the offering of VND 7,600,000,000 will be supplemented working capital for the business activities.
- After change: total proceeds from the offering of VND 7,600,000,000 will be bought shares of Quang Phu Energy Joint Stock Company.
> HAX: BOD approved the dossier of registration for stock issuance (23/04/2021)
> NHA: BOD resolution on planning stock issuance to raise capital (23/04/2021)
> DGW: Approved the increase of charter capital of subsidiary (23/04/2021)
> CTF: BOD resolution on increasing charter capital (23/04/2021)
> DGW: Adjustment of stock issuance under ESOP plan (22/04/2021)
> D2D: Contributing additional capital in BOT 319 Cuong Thuan CTI (20/04/2021)
> CSV: Change of ratio and Representative of contributed capital of Vinachem in CSV (20/04/2021)
> TDP: Contributing capital in Thuan Duc Bim Son (20/04/2021)
> CVNM01MBS21CE : Notice of issue of covered warrant (19/04/2021)
> CVHM01MBS21CE: Notice of issue of covered warrant (19/04/2021)