BSI: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2021 BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company announces a resolution of Annual General Meeting 2021 as below.
1) Approving 2020 reports of the BOD, business results, the Board of Supervisors, and capital increasing.
2) Approving operated regulations.
3) Approving the 2020 business performances and 2021 profit plan for dividend 7%/par value.
4) Approving the remuneration of the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors.
5) Approving the temporary transfer mechanism from HOSE to the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX).
6) Approving the main office change and assigning the BOD to find new place, and implement related documents.
7) Approving the member change of the BOD, and the Board of Supervisors. HOSE