SMB: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2021 Sai Gon - Mien Trung Beer Joint Stock Company announces a resolution of Annual General Meeting 2021 as below.
1) Approving the 2020 business performances.
2) Approving 2020 reports of the BOD, business results, the Board of Supervisors, and audited financial statements.
3) Approving the 2020 profit allocation with dividend ratio 35% and 2021 profit allocation with dividend ratio 35%.
4) Approving the remuneration of the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors.
5) Approving the list of 2021 audited firm.
6) Approving the CEO signing some types of contracts in 2021.
7) Approving operated regulations.
8) Approving supplementing of business types. HOSE