PIT: Resolution on the AGM 2021 Petrolimex International Trading Joint Stock Company announces the Resolution of General Meeting 2021 dated April 15, 2021 with the following contents:
1) The AGM approved the amendment, supplement of the Company’s charter, Corporate Governance Internal Regulation.
2) The AGM approved the business result in 2020:
- Net revenue: 551 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 1.8 billion dongs
3) The AGM approved the business plan in 2021:
- Total revenue: 731 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 2.8 billion dongs
- Dividend: 0%.
4) The AGM approved the audited financial statements in 2020.
5) The AGM approved the report from the supervisory Board in 2020 and plan for 2021.
6) The AGM approved the selection of one of audit firms for the financial statements in 2021:
- CPA Vietnam Auditing Company Limited;
- An Viet Auditing Company Limited;
- Nam Viet Auditing and Accounting Financial Consulting Service Company Limited (AASCN).
7) The AGM approved the remuneration of the BOD and Supervisory Board in 2020: 1,318,033 million dongs.
8) The AGM approved the resignation of member of BOD – Mr. Ha Huy Thang and member of Supervisory Board - Mr. Mai Van Binh.
9) The AGM approved the additional election of member of BOD – Nguyen Dinh Thanh, and member of Supervisory Board – Mrs. Tran Thi Huong.