KDH.KIS.M.CA.T.01: Notice of issue of covered warrant
Notice of issue of covered warrant of KDH.KIS.M.CA.T.01 as follows:
> KSB: Stock issuance to pay dividend (16/10/2020)
> PDR: BOD resolution on contributing capital to set up subsidiaries (16/10/2020)
> CMX: Decision on contributing capital in Camimex High Technology (16/10/2020)
> PGC: Report on results of trading of Shares of affiliated organization - MB Capital (15/10/2020)
> PGC: Notice of trading of Shares of affiliated organization - MB Capital (15/10/2020)
> VPI: Notice of stock issuance for the 2019 dividend payment (15/10/2020)
> NVL: BOD resolution on raising charter capital (15/10/2020)
> TCB: BOD resolution on implementing capital increase plan (14/10/2020)
> TCT: BOD approved to extend the time for loan of Sun Capital Real Estate (14/10/2020)
> HSL: BOD resolution on contributing capital to set up Elmaco Agri.,JSC (14/10/2020)