Warrant FPT/4M/SSI/C/EU/Cash-04: Notice of issue of covered warrant
SSI Securities Corporation announces the issue of covered warrant as follows:
> QNC: Audited report on use of proceeds from the share private placement for increasing the charter capital (09/04/2020)
> OCH: Explanation for some issues related to audited financial statement of 2019 (08/04/2020)
> HEV: Announcement of completion of capital withdrawal (08/04/2020)
> ACBS: ACBS adjusts the plan for bond issue (08/04/2020)
> ANC11607: Increasing charter capital (08/04/2020)
> ANC11601: Increasing charter capital (08/04/2020)
> PGC: Notice of transaction of related institution (MB Capital) (08/04/2020)
> DGW: List of internal persons & related persons purchasing shares issued under ESOP (08/04/2020)
> DGW: Report on ressult of stock issuance under ESOP (08/04/2020)
> PVG: Explanation for some issues related to audited financial statement of 2019 (07/04/2020)