VIB: Decision of Chair of Board of Directors on the implementation of plan to increase the Bank’s charter capital
On 17 July 2019, Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank issued the Announcement No. 11934. 19 on the implementation of plan to increase the Bank’s charter capital from VND 7,834,672,840,000 to VND 9,244,913,950,000 from owner’s equity by dividing bonus share to existing shareholders as follows: 1. 0. Implement the plan to increase charter capital of VIB in accordance with document of the State Bank No. 5262/ NHNN – TTGSNH dated 09 July 2019, resolution No. 3. 1215.19 dated 28 Mar 2019 of the General meeting of Shareholders and resolution No. 042. 19. 1 dated 03 Jun 2019 of Board of Directors of VIB. 1. 2. This decision takes effect from 17 July 2019. General Manager, Shareholders Management Department, Legal Affair and Corporate Governance Department and Financial Service Department of the Bank and related units/ individuals are responsible for the implementation of this decision.
> HDB: Board approves to issue VND3,000 billion bonds (24/07/2019)
> GEX: BOD approves to plan stock issuance to raise capital (24/07/2019)
> HAX: Result of the ESOP (24/07/2019)
> TLG: BOD approves to issue shares for capital increase (24/07/2019)
> VIB: Decision of Chair of Board of Directors on the implementation of plan to increase the Bank’s charter capital (23/07/2019)
> VPD: Plan for bond issuance (23/07/2019)
> DAG: BOD approves to plan stock issuance (23/07/2019)
> ANC11601: Resolution of General Meeting on Capital Increase (23/07/2019)
> ANC11607: Resolution of General Meeting on Capital Increase (23/07/2019)
> POT: Extension of the time of receiving votes on the plan on share issuance to increase the charter capital (23/07/2019)