HAX: Result of the ESOP
Hang Xanh Motors Service Joint Stock Company has reported the result of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) as follows:
I. Information on stock:
II. Result:
> TLG: BOD approves to issue shares for capital increase (24/07/2019)
> VIB: Decision of Chair of Board of Directors on the implementation of plan to increase the Bank’s charter capital (23/07/2019)
> VPD: Plan for bond issuance (23/07/2019)
> DAG: BOD approves to plan stock issuance (23/07/2019)
> ANC11601: Resolution of General Meeting on Capital Increase (23/07/2019)
> ANC11607: Resolution of General Meeting on Capital Increase (23/07/2019)
> POT: Extension of the time of receiving votes on the plan on share issuance to increase the charter capital (23/07/2019)
> VPB: Result of bond issuance (23/07/2019)
> TIX: Report on the use of capital (23/07/2019)
> VFG: Result of the ESOP (23/07/2019)