GEX: BOD approves to plan stock issuance to raise capital
On July 22, 2019, the Board of Directors of Viet Nam Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Corporation approved to issue shares for capital increase from the owner’s equity as follows:
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 63,684,000 shares
- Exercise ratio: 20:3 (Shareholder who owns 20 shares will receive 03 new shares)
- Stock type: common share, freely transferable
- Par value: VND10,000
- Plan to deal with fractional shares: The distributed shares will be rounded down, the fractional shares will be bought VND10,000/share.
- Time of implementation: expected in Q3.2019.
> HAX: Result of the ESOP (24/07/2019)
> TLG: BOD approves to issue shares for capital increase (24/07/2019)
> VIB: Decision of Chair of Board of Directors on the implementation of plan to increase the Bank’s charter capital (23/07/2019)
> VPD: Plan for bond issuance (23/07/2019)
> DAG: BOD approves to plan stock issuance (23/07/2019)
> ANC11601: Resolution of General Meeting on Capital Increase (23/07/2019)
> ANC11607: Resolution of General Meeting on Capital Increase (23/07/2019)
> POT: Extension of the time of receiving votes on the plan on share issuance to increase the charter capital (23/07/2019)
> VPB: Result of bond issuance (23/07/2019)
> TIX: Report on the use of capital (23/07/2019)