APC: Resolution of extraordinary general meeting
An Phu Irradiation Joint - Stock Company announces the resolution of extraordinary general meeting dated July 19, 2019:
> BVH: Board approves a training service agreement (24/07/2019)
> NVL: Guarantee for a US$205 million loan of Nova Hospitality (24/07/2019)
> USD: Information disclosure about the certificate for qualified petroleum retail station (24/07/2019)
> HOSE: List of the securities satisfying the conditions of warrants’ underlying securities and the limitation for offering in July 2019 (24/07/2019)
> TIX: BOD resolution on setting up a subsidiary (24/07/2019)
> SMA: Signing the audit contract (24/07/2019)
> EIB: BOD resolution dated July 22, 2019 (24/07/2019)
> EVG: BOD resolution on receiving the transfer of shares (24/07/2019)
> YEG: Resolutions on guarantee of loan facilities and loan plan (24/07/2019)
> DCM: BOD resolution on selecting the audit firm (24/07/2019)