C32: BOD resolution on borrowing capital at banks
The Board resolution dated May 13, 2019, Construction Investment Corporation 3-2 approved the credit line with the following banks:
> TCM: Notice of record date for bonus share issue to outstanding shareholders (15/05/2019)
> IBC: Notice of the record date for stock issuance (15/05/2019)
> FRT: BOD approves its new charter capital (15/05/2019)
> FIC: Change the capital contribution at the subsidiaries (14/05/2019)
> RDP: Report on the use of capital (14/05/2019)
> VNG: Board resolution on stock issuance for stock swap (14/05/2019)
> IKH: Notice of transaction of connected institution (The State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC)) (14/05/2019)
> TCM: Notice of stock issuance for capital increase (14/05/2019)
> TVB: BoD approves to issue shares (14/05/2019)
> AAA: Report on the use of capital (14/05/2019)