RDP: Report on the use of capital Rang Dong Plastic Joint Stock Company reports the use of capital from the public offering as follows:
I. Stock in the public offering:
- Stock name: Stock of Rang Dong Plastic Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: VND10,000/share
- Expected issue volume: 2,765,744 shares
- Total mobilized capital: VND27,657,440,000
- Beginning date of offering: February 10, 2014
- Ending date of offering: April 24, 2014
II. Plan for capital disbursement from the public offering.
Until the present, the Company used the proceeds as below:
- To invest in machinery: 9,378,332,896 dongs
- To invest in the construction of Tien Son Factory: 18,279,107,104 dongs
Total: 27,657,440,000 dongs HOSE