PDR: Board approves the dossiers of registration for stock issuance
On April 03, 2019, the Board of Directors of Phat Dat Real Estate Development Corp approved the dossiers of registration for stock issuance to pay dividend, including the following documents:
> VC9: MB Capital is no longer principal shareholder (04/04/2019)
> MSH: BOD resolution the plan for stock issuance under ESOP (04/04/2019)
> HQC: Result of the second phase of bond issuance (04/04/2019)
> HQC: Result of the first phase of bond issuance (04/04/2019)
> YEG: Report on the progress of using share capital until 02.20.2019 (03/04/2019)
> CEE: BOD resolution on increasing capital in subsidiary (03/04/2019)
> AAM: Information on the issuance of bonus shares (01/04/2019)
> AAM: Board resolutions on the record date to issue bonus shares (01/04/2019)
> CLC: Report on the use of capital (01/04/2019)
> MIG: Notice on handling the odd-lot shares and redistributing the unsold shares of the share issue to existing shareholders (28/03/2019)