VFG: Resolution on additional listing Viet Nam Fumigation Joint Stock Company announces Board Resolution No.50/2018 dated August 14, 2018 as follows:
Article 1: To increase its charter capital from VND309,003,550,000 up to VND316,134,610,000 for the bonus stock issuance of 713,106 shares to the employees.
Article 2: To register to deposit at the Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD) and list on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE) for 713,106 new shares of the bonus stock issuance to the employees.
Article 3: To register to change the Company’s business license with new charter capital.
Article 4 This decision shall take effect from the date of signing.
Article 5: The Board of Directors, the Directorate and relating departments are responsible for implementing this resolution. HOSE