AME: Selection of auditor for fiscal year 2018
On 28/7/2018, the company announced the Auditor for Fiscal year 2018 as follows: Auditor for the company for fiscal year 2018: Nam Viet Auditing & Accounting Financial Consulting Services Company Limited.
> HDG: Announcement of public offering certificate (30/07/2018)
> HNX: 07/08/2018, First trading date of new stock on UPCoM (EVF) (30/07/2018)
> HNX: Upcom Admission of Fico Corporation - JSC (FIC) (30/07/2018)
> HNX: 02/08/2018, First trading date of new stock on UPCoM (FIC) (30/07/2018)
> HNX: Upcom Admission of EVN Finance Joint Stock Company (EVF) (30/07/2018)
> PAN: Record date for seeking shareholders’ approval (30/07/2018)
> CTS: Change of website & email Address (30/07/2018)
> FCM: The record date for Extraordinary General Meeting 2018 (30/07/2018)
> BT6: Notice of change in reasons for transaction limitation on UpCOM (30/07/2018)
> NQT: NQT stock was removed from trading restriction (30/07/2018)