NQT: NQT stock was removed from trading restriction
Pursuant to regulation on Item 2, Article 32 of Regulation on organization and management of UPCoM of HNX attached to Decision No.455/QD-SGDHN dated 20/6/2017, HNX announced the removal of NQT stock from trading restriction and resuming of trading as follows: - Issuer: Quang Tri Clean Water Joint Stock Company - Stock code: NQT - Effective date: 31/7/2018 - Reason: The company disclosed information, overcoming causes that led to trading restriction status in the Notice no.803/TB-SGDHN dated 26/7/2018.
> DPM: Report Insider Transaction (30/07/2018)
> DAG: Selection of auditing firm (30/07/2018)
> SMB: Announcement of the first trading date (30/07/2018)
> BCM: Corporate Governance Report (first 06 months) (30/07/2018)
> ACE: Signing of auditing contract (30/07/2018)
> SVI: Notice of trading of shares by an internal shareholder (HOANG NGOC LUU) (30/07/2018)
> LG9: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2018 (30/07/2018)
> HNX: List of trading registration stocks in Securities Alert for Investors table dated 27.07.2018 (30/07/2018)
> PMP: Sign transaction contract with related entities (27/07/2018)
> VCX: Signing a contract with auditor for fiscal year 2018 (27/07/2018)