MCG: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2018 Vietnam Mechanization Electrification & Construction Joint Stock Company announced the resolution of 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) dated April 26, 2018 with following key contents:
1) Approving business performance in 2017:
- Revenue: 130.739 billion VND
- Profit after tax: 2.066 billion VND
- Dividend: 0.
2) Approving the reports of the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors.
3) Approving the business plan for 2018:
- Output: 255.365 billion VND
- Revenue: 296.849 billion VND
- Profit after tax: 4.653 billion VND
- Dividend: 0.
4) Approving the salary, remuneration, operating expense of the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors in 2017 and 2018.
5) Authorizing the Board of Directors:
- To decide an appropriate time to divest from some subsidiaries, associated companies in order to restructure MCG;
- To sell treasury shares;
- To sell the investment shares and remaining assets at 102 Truong Chinh Project;
- To choose an audit firm in 2018. HOSE