VRC: VRC announces members of Boards of Directors and Supervisors
Vung Tau Real Estate and Construction Joint Stock Company (VRC) announces the change of personnel in the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in Term III from 2015 to 2019:
Members of the Board of Directors in Term III (2015-2019):
Members of the Board of Supervisors in Term III(2015-2019):
> NCT: Resolution on the resignation of Deputy CEO (29/12/2016)
> DPR: Notice of the appointment of CEO (29/12/2016)
> HTL: Notice of Change personnel (29/12/2016)
> VRC: VRC announces members of Boards of Directors and Supervisors (29/12/2016)
> GTN: Notice of Change personnel (30/12/2016)
> BMP: Resolution on the appointment of Deputy CEO (30/12/2016)
> SHP: A member of BoD resigned (30/12/2016)
> SSC: Notice of change of personnel (30/12/2016)
> FPT: Resolution on the resignation of Deputy CEO (03/01/2017)
> SCR: Resolution on appointment the temporary Director (03/01/2017)